The Evolution of Lighting Design has come a long way over the centuries, in 1807 where the Victorian lighting breakthrough first came through gas fired streetlights, transforming the London landscape and creating a much-needed boost to safety. From gas through to the very first light bulb, invented by Joseph Swan in Newcastle Upon Tyne which eventually revolutionised lighting in buildings from his very own home, through to theatres and shops. With the invention of the lightbulb, inevitably, the subsequent styling and interior design elements followed and elaborate contemporary lamp shades from companies like Tiffany were popular with the wealthier communities. Designer Lighting and modern lighting accessories had been born. The designs began to evolve and moved through the decades, including iconic desk lamps and the first-floor lamps, through to pendant lighting and modern chandeliers. Of course, the technology changed to and we saw the emergence of LED light bulbs and importantly energy saving bulbs to help the environment.
Today, there is a huge range of modern lighting accessories and designer lights to choose from and Naken Interiors are one of the UK’s premier suppliers to customers here. Sometimes the sheer volume and diverse range of choice possible now days can overwhelm, but once a theme is chosen, you are able to transform a room from the ordinary to the extra-ordinary! Lighting has such an impact on the interior design look and feel to our homes and workplaces, so it is worth investing in designs that make a statement and makes your spaces really shine.
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